Soundproofing Panels

Soundproofing Panels & Acoustic Panels

Providing friendly, expert advice and high performing, DIY soundproofing solutions. Empowering you to achieve peace and quiet in your home

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ReductoClip Direct to Wall Soundproofing
ProSound Acoustic Ceiling Rafts and Wall Panels

Soundproofing Panels & Acoustic Panels

Reducing sound reverberation for a quiet, more relaxing environment.

Elegant designs to suit any space

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Before you start

What do you require the soundproofing panels for?

There are two different types of Soundproofing Panels

Soundproofing and Sound Absorption Panels

Still Unsure? The below video explains the difference between Sound Absorption Panels and Soundproofing Panels

How do Soundproof Wall Panels Block Noise?

Soundproof wall panels are designed to block sound from passing through walls by adding more mass and density to help block airborne noise transferring between rooms.

They incorporate highly effective soundproofing materials, including mass-loaded vinyl, closed cell foam, and acoustic plasterboard, all integrated into a single, easy-to-install, direct-to-wall sound dampening panel.

Award-winning SoundBoard 4 Soundproof Panel

Wall Soundproofing Panels - Best Sellers

We don’t expect you to become an overnight soundproofing expert, that’s what we’re here for.

Ian Baker, The Soundproofing Store
Phil Lyons, The Soundproofing Store
Frankie Fyfe, The Soundproofing Store
Ian Manning, The Soundproofing Store
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Soundproof Wall Panels FAQs

1. What is the difference between sound absorption and soundproofing?

Soundproofing prevents sound from entering or escaping a room, such as blocking noise from loud, noisy neighbours. On the other hand, sound absorption focuses on improving a room's acoustics by reducing echo and reverberation within the room.

2. How do soundproof wall panels work?

Soundproof wall panels significantly increase the mass of internal stud walls, or low quality brick walls. These sound dampening panels help to block unwanted airborne noise travelling from room to room within the same property, or travelling from your neighbours property into your home.

Learn more about the award-winning direct to wall soundproofing panel SoundBoard 4.

3. Do soundproof panels work for blocking loud noises and music?

Soundproofing panels are an excellent choice for low mass structures like lightweight timber stud walls. They will dramatically improve the performance of the wall at blocking unwanted airborne noise. Take a look at the SoundBoard 4 in action.

For solid brick walls and to block loud or excessive noise, and especially noise with more bass, such as music or snoring then a higher performing soundproofing solution which isolates and decouples the soundproofing from the original wall will be required. The ReductoClip System would be the correct choice of soundproofing system in this instance.

4. Are soundproof panels easy to install?

ProSound SoundBoard 4 is a high performing sound proof panel particularly suited to internal stud walls. SoundBoard 4 sound dampening panels are extremely easy to install. Panels are fixed directly to the wall and are an easy to install DIY soundproofing solution. Watch a soundproof panel installation video.

5. Can you decorate onto soundproof panels?

Absolutely. The SoundBoard 4 wall panels have an acoustic grade plasterboard finish.

You simply treat it as you would standard plasterboard. The recommendation being a skim plaster to cover joins and screw holes which can then be painted.

6. Do soundproof panels work both ways?

Yes. Soundproofing works both ways. Therefore, soundproofing your wall will help reduce unwanted noise from your neighbour being heard in your home and vice versa.

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