March 2020 saw more than 60% of the adult population working from home during the Coronavirus lockdown. It was therefore no surprise that as people were confined to their homes, here at The Soundproofing Store we were busier than ever as customers adapted to their new workspace and found the noise from noisy neighbours extremely distracting.
A further announcement in September again asked workers who had previously been encouraged back into the office in August, to now work from home 'where possible'. With no specific timeframe other than being prepared to do so for at least the next 6 months. This 'new normal' way of working has seen some companies completely changing and adapting, siting colleagues working from home being a more permanent strategy and a long-term ambition. The BBC reports that a third of people will still be working from home, even after Coronavirus restrictions are lifted in the future, with the Guardian reporting 88% of people who worked from home during the lockdown wanting to retain some sort of capacity for doing so.
The dial is certainly set to homeworking remaining a constant for many and in doing so means a productive, noise free working environment becomes ever more important.
One of the things about noise is that it affects more than our ability to concentrate and do our jobs from home, it can also have serious effects on our mental health and wellbeing.
To help create a quiet space in your home to live and work, there are a number of soundproofing solutions available. The correct home office soundproofing solution depends on the type and level of noise being experienced. However, there are 5 main points to achieve when soundproofing the walls of a home office, which are highlighted below.
If you are living and working in a flat with noisy neighbours above, or below, then you need to add soundproofing to the floor or ceiling to create a soundproofed home office.
It is always more effective to soundproof at the source of the noise. Are you experiencing loud noise coming from above? Is the noise impact noise, (such as footsteps or banging) and / or airborne noise (talking, TV, music)? The best way to soundproof the floor of a home office, or indeed a quiet space within the home in which to work would be to soundproof the floor above. If this isn't an option, then you would need to soundproof the ceiling.
If you are experiencing noisy neighbours above and it is not possible to soundproof the floor above (which is the preferred option) then the only option would be to soundproof the ceiling of the home office.
If you are working from home and the unwanted noise is coming from your own family rather than noisy neighbours, then upweighting existing doors can be a good place to start.
Soundproofing solutions can help create a quiet place to work by effectively soundproofing home offices. Soundproofing can take place within any room of the house, to help limit the unwanted noise from noisy neighbours and to help create a quiet place to work. If you are currently finding it difficult to work from home because of unwanted noise, then The Soundproofing Store is an award-winning soundproofing company and is here to help. Don't be one of the millions of Brits who are reportedly forced to work from their cars, due to 'unsuitable' environments making working from home practically impossible.
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